woensdag 1 november 2017

Down came the thunder

water on the rocks
coming down through
the splendour of the grass
as our love is where we rest

heaven never was that steel blue
joining in at nature's special tune
silent as a summer morning in dew
never, never was the earth so pure

our love as water on the carved rocks
coming down over the rich land
cuting corners, cuting stones and sand
through the splendour of the grass

creating its own road to travel
towards us where we rest at last
as the love is we both share
killing the fears at our feet
below us, way down deep
in the sand

water on the rocks don't seem to end
water on the rocks coming down
as the love we found
water's coming down and down

giving food to what we found
giving it reason to survive
keeping it alive in shimmering lights
letting it grow in to its daylight
setlling down in our hearts
where it is like water on the rocks

heading for that final count down
where the water frrom the rocks
comes down, keeps coming down
from those heights we try to find

ignorance blocking us we still find the way
way deep inside we find what's hidden
what the eye doesn't see, almost leaves
in its retreat

yet, we find our way in water from the rocks
yes, water of the rocks showed us within
we saw the secret where it began  ended
we drank our water from the rocks

wanting more and more where it came from
 satisfying our thirst, then came the word
we lay down next to our fears that had
disappeard when we became man

down came the hunder, down came the rain
making us clean, washing the sins away
one day water of the rocks will come down again

(c) JR.

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  Well, na diepe intelligente conversaties omlijst met sfeervolle muziek besloot ik na diep overdenken   vannacht alsnog om 24.00...