zondag 29 oktober 2017
The plant had died, there was nothing he could do about it or could he. Water is esential to a plant he had denied it by neglect, no more no less. It had been beautifull once, it ended in a heap of missery trying to hold on to life in vain.
He had thrown it in the bin and thought no more of it, 'till one night its tentacles choked him in his bed. In the last moments of his presence he was amazed how much he admired to draw breath when there was none.
(c) JR.
zaterdag 28 oktober 2017
science fiction a short story : A little boy !!
The little boy stood in line, waiting patiently, untill it was his turn. ' well, what will it be boy'
the shopassistant said, a tea bag sir, please. just a tea bag, they come in cartons now. one will do sir, I'll ask if that's possible. Mr. B. ! the assistant returned with the bag. because it's just one, this time free of charge.
Thank you sir, what's that you're doing, as you see, whirling it above my head sir, he threw it in a corner of the shop, a deafening explosion followed. Ev'rybody in the store was flung to the floor by the pressure. Windows broke, flames erupted, smoke curled upwards from the smashed windows. all the shopowner could tell afterwards, 'it was just a litle boy throwing a tea bag.
Not much later reports came in from all over the district about shops, later buildings being demolished by fire. Always there was a mention of a little boy at the scene, throwing a tea bag !, by the time blocks of flats were coming down, there was a man hunt out for a little boy.
Army and police were after him, for no longer buildings were in demand, militairy targets were on his list by now. Ammunition depots, navy vessels they were all game, Always the boy was seen, but lost out of sight, eventually they caught up with him outsidea theatre, Albert Hall, it was people he now was after, a mass of them.
in came the Special forces, they surrounded him, the boy spotted that, came out of his hiding place whirling his little tea bag, no emotion on his face, rifles cracked all bulls eye , but it didn't seem to harm him. He stopped whirling, instead he swallowed the bag the corners of his mouth twitched looked almost if he smiled.
A massive explosion ruptured the street in two a smoke column rose upwards to the sky, it went on and on going higher and higher reaching outer space, it. seemed to go to another Milky Way still smoking.
now flames were pouring from the smoke, making it very much like a comet, pictures sent down by the satelites showed the head of the smoke column was very much like the little boy's features, does make you wonder don't it !!
Lately I notice my crowd's getting thin
my visits are no use they're fading,
Ev'rytime I come to their door their eyes
have closed just that bit more. they're on
their last walk 'round the sun, they're going fast,
I can't run.
I'm staying behind all out of sight, left with
my colours old and grey, days are long now
and very pale
Waiting takes a long time they say
(c) JR.
science fiction a short story: Lovers crossing
Summer it was, I sat down in the park drowning in its quiet beauty, streaks of light passing through the trees, hitting water, creating sparks, casting a spell. It was in there, I discovered a vague shape,
I walked over to examine it closer, realized it was not of this world, a beauty, willingly
a soul would chain it self to.
Only visible to me, as nobody seemed to notice her, there at the waterside. That meant another world next to mine. The lines of time now running parallel. Having waited for me so long, she begged me to cross, eternal youth offered as well.
What a temptation, so close, but couldn't touch, she urged me, for soon the opening would close. As there was nothing to keep me, I crossed, sheer joy was my reward, I held her close. The woman I had looked for, was on the other side. She said she had known and wanted me for ages but the lines wouldn't aline precise.
There had been more occaisions but I wasn't near then. Others crossed as well. I couldn't get over the happiness in her, her delicate face was beaming with joy, her dark brown eyes sparkling. I still could see the beach where I came from, but it grew dimmer and dimmer., it was gone.
I was a young man again not to age. We turned went to her home, met relatives, crossovers too started a family. We live agood life in peace, ideal, whenever I get the urge to see what it was like, we go to the barrier.
When the light has grown strong again, the lines aline we watch where I came from, to turn away satisfied
(c) JR. Eightees
vrijdag 27 oktober 2017
wanneer zich op de snelweg
van het leven een file vormt
kunnen plat gereden banden
niet meer verholpen worden
(c) JR. 2017
Die lach
hoor die lach
die bulderende lach
het is de joker die lacht
om de zijn tot tirannie
verworden democratie
de nieuwe lijfeigenen die
hij schiep
hij knijpt ze uit want
dat zijn toch abnormale lui
hij lacht en lacht
die bulderende lach
zijn lach is zo groot
als het land waar hij om lacht
hij lacht zelfs nog
als hem de wacht wordt aangezegd
tijdens zijn eigen wacht
want de democratie
denkt de joker
dat is toch echt wel
een hele grote grap
op weg naar die hemel
waar alleen de joker
voor joker staat
en ja...
ook daarom nog lacht
(c) JR. 2017
soms is iets spijtig
is spijt hebben het gevolg
maar tussen hebben
zeggen ligt een wereld van
maar als de eerste traan
verschijnt daar die bevrijdende
wordt 't spijt mij weer
makkelijker dan gedacht
(c) JR.
donderdag 26 oktober 2017
Time to spare
I don't know
what I'm doing
I really don't care
I've got time to spare
so I sit in an easy chair
feeling wonderfull
I,ve got time to spare
look out the window
see all the people
I couldn't really care
I've got time to spare
this easy chair
fits like a glove
it's difficult
to get out of
and when I do
I get to the fridge
for a cold beer
get back and sit
I sit and watch TV
all day
I really don't care
I've got time to spare
I've got nothing else to do
got no urge to
I really don't care
I've got time to spare
(c) JR.
Singapour girl
Singapour girl you fly and fly
with those sweet ebony eyes
could lead me in to surprise
where ever you go,
where ever the journey takes you
I will folow, '
cause you dealt a blow to my heart
which took it completely apart
whispers only one phrase
Singapour girl take me away
lead me to places I've never been
lead me in to this unending dream
let me believe your nothing but real
take me to the corners of your heart
with those eyes nothing less than devine
melting me down if I were ice
bringing me down to your side
forgetting there's a day or night
I'm swimming in to a paradise
joining me in my lonely soul
Singapour girl you brought me home
Singapour girl you took me hole
(c) JR.
sometimes I love her sometimes she won't
sometimes I hate her sometimes she won't
sometimes I frown sometimes she's down
sometimes I frown
'cause she's not in town
'cause she follows me around
'cause she's there feeling out
she knows, I know
she knows, I know
she knows I know
it makes us feel close
it makes us feel good
sometimes we unwind with wine
sometimes we really get close
we don't know how we can cope
and we really hit the bolt
we\re blown righ to the top
so close we never saw home
it's when we stop an' drop
emotion fought its way to the top
we came so close but we stopped
sometimes we don't get to the top
sometimes this woman frowns
she wants to have me around
she wants to take me down
sometimes I'm out of town
(c) JR.
woensdag 25 oktober 2017
A name
returning to a place
I couldn't name, I couldn't find
I couldn't see, I was blind
returning to the past
couldn't find a laugh
couldn't find my tree
couldn't find the happiness
that once lingered there
tied up in my memories
tied up in my past
where I had to leave
in a thundering blast
last piece of love I ever had
didn't get back in time
to look for those pieces
to claim them as mine
bringing them together again
leaving on my lips a name
they won't say it again
a trail has gone cold
memories have grown old
my tongue has gone lame
a name never spoken again
back to a dream
not even near, not even here
not even in sight, gone from
my life
(c) JR.
Poor city
poor city has poor people
has no haystack and no needle
poor city's there for the needy
from all over the great land
people come to the city in the
city without a name
crowded in the shade
crowded in the park
city without any larcs
where wooden birds are carved
city without any tears
city without any aim
city without any faith
where poverty's no shame
where pride has no place
poor city has only one kind
poorest people ever come to life
where stealin' is a way of life
where crime's committed in daylight
it's a poor sight here at night
(c) JR.
I'm living of the land
doin' it quite well
there's nobody to tell
or sound the bell
I come in at night
leave at the beginning of light
with pockets full of food
guess I'm in the mood
all I do is take it home
to my family to cope
smashing their hunger
in a thousand pieces
'cause living of the land
is not a case of stealing
it's taking from the rich
what we're needing
(c) JR.
livin' like that
it appears out of nowhere
as clear as the sky
it's what I rememeber
of a time hidden inside
when clouds weren't there
a good time we shared
so cold now on my own
I'd like somebody to show
as it always happens
clousds get in the way
guess livin' like that
will never come again
(c) JR.
live an' tell
all I wanted
were precious things to put in my house
but they were beyond my means
beyond my dreams, beyond my reach
beyond the style I wanted live
now older, more mature
I now can buy, it is in my reach
now I find they're not the things I need
through time I was given things
worth more than style, house,
way of life
can now enjoy a good wine
enjoy a good conversation
enjoy a good nature
enjoy well meant compliments
enjoy an evening well spent
enjoy the company
of a well spoken woman
live with her a good life
even if it means living out of style
as long as the rent is paid
as long as there's food to take
as long as there's enough cake
even if it's the crumbs I ate
I don't feel out of place
I feel I still did well
to live an' tell
(c) JR.
maandag 23 oktober 2017
Without a name
I am happy
since a long time
I am happy
one with the world
it's been a long time
I am happy
it's been a long time
I knew
a restless time
has come to an end
I am content
I am ev'rything
I could ever be
it's been a long time
since I knew
I haven't changed
still the same
still that smile
it's been a while
since I knew
there was a you
I'll never know
who you are
a face in a frame
a face
without a name
it makes me happy
to look at you
one I never knew
but you're there
all I do is stare
at you
in that frame
without a name
it's been a long time
since I knew
there was a you
I'll never be the same
since I saw you
in that frame
(c) JR.
At the brink
a shadow of a man
at the brink of madness
I can live there I know I can
stretch my mind
over miles of sea
to reach you to teach you
on the other side
I know I can get to you
if I want to
I'm at the brink
of madness
my sweet
meet me there
(c) JR.
zondag 22 oktober 2017
A Life To Live
I've got a life,
not a silly life,
just a life
a life that I live,
a life I do not miss
I live it in style
I live it with a smile
it can be nice
could be poor
could be wild
could be
crossing The Nile
could be sad
lyiing in bed
could be bad
my case I rest
it's a life I've led
is not over yet
there's more to come
so much to be done
a lot get none
I, I get it all
from start to finish
my life is a gimmick
if you want to try
better be wise
you got to have style
you must persist to live
you must be ready to give
you must be ready
to take the worst
living a life like this
is a case of surviving
becomes a case of dying
if you don't know how
you must be taught
I'm afraid by then
I won't be around
'cause I've got more lives
to live
one of them was this
(c) JR. Eightees
Edge of life
somehow we're going somewhere
meeting the winter with care
treating my mind with care
longing for the sun not there
how come it's not there
not shining through my hair
it's frozen me in to a deep sleep
hibernation time is here
has come out of nowhere
nature's little time bomb
has gone off
bringing , rain, clouded days
stormy nights, blinding light
snow and ice
right at your door step
another try to get through
thawing out ice
thawing out what's mine
taking what's there
it's been years,
where is that smile
it was wiped out,
when I came back
from that long ride,
at the edge of life
(c) JR. Eightees
At ease
I'm very at ease
always am
with darkness in reach
gentle in the night
with you by my side
you don't say anything
nothing at all
you don't have to
I know it all
just lying with you
in the depth of the night
I know very strongly
here's where I live
here's where I belong
you're always there
with me to share
share is all we have
without any regrets
It's all we have
(c) JR. Eightees
The aftermath
she was one great woman
never said she'd leave
kept me satisfied in love
with so little I was pleased
now she's gone away
feelin' out of place
I never broke the peace
yet, she never left me
she decided to call it a day
used me as a puppet
with whom she would play
a toy thrown in to the shade
I'm stuck with my love
thought she wouldn't leave
my heart misses its beat
it won't bring her back to me
so I'm siiting here
with a wasted life
with a pain I can bear
it'll heal in time
packing my suitcase
haven't got much left
collecting all my things
don't think I'll be back
(c) JR. Eightees
zaterdag 21 oktober 2017
'Communication' a love story told in the lyrics of a song
It's been going on
for quite some while
we're not getting anywhere
it's only a waste of time
I can feel communication
getting rather thin
I can hear it break
while we're talking
It's a hard bit to chew
I know I have to
something I can't explain
emptiness crept in your voice
is just what I can't take
it used to be so different
full of laughter an' life
it's come to announcing
a straight statement
it's geting me deep inside
your hurting with those
irritated sighs
which can't hide
your interest is gone
out of sight
and I can hear it happen
line of communication
is getting rather thin
I try to keep it open
but I can hear it break
while we're talking
I can feel those
cold words touchin' me
its chill's surrounding me
with difficulty I anwer
it's not an easy one last call
so much there was to say
just hopin' to breath life
in to this conversation again
and I can hear it happen
line of communication''s
getting rather thin
I try to keep it open
but I can hear it break
while we're talking
we've come to the end
of a long hard struggle
where we took so many falls
I lost count
always hopin' to pull us together
never did I let my spirit down
never thought it was the last round
but by now I'm convinced
that last fall did us in
and I can hear it happen
line of communication's
getting rather thin
I try to keep it open
but I can hear it break
while we're talking
I can hear it fade
'till there's only the wind
(c) JR. Eightees
maandag 16 oktober 2017
Even though they're bad
in a house with many rooms
all with a part of my life
I'm dustin' them one by one
see what I find
it's bits an' peaces
an' I don't see what I like
been makin' some wrong turns
those doors are closin' in my face
got to open them up again
an' I can't let go of those memories
they're so much a part of me
even though they're bad
they're all I ever had
seem to have lost the key
a world has turned me out
gonna build a new one
those doors will open loud
'cause I can't let go
of those memories
they're so much a part of me
even though they're bad
they're all I ever had
an' the house will be standing
as it always did
with the closed doors
with the many rooms
with all the memories
it will open up once more
'cause I can't let go of
those memories
they're so much a part of me
even though they're bad
they're all I ever had
so let me live my life
I've lived hard an' long
it'll pass and I'll walk along
(c) JR. eightees
your song
night and day I hear your song
it is not that far away must come from a distant sea
an' I miss the song you whisper to me
it contains a promise I will see you again
but I have to wait it's been a long time
since you've gone away
an' I miss the song you whisper to me
those words keep floating to me
it makes me feel you're still with me
where ever you are it thrills me
I know some day I'll hear them again
I'll be there whispering the same words
you whispered to me and I'll be with you
(c) JR. 2017
zondag 15 oktober 2017
another try
you're back from being away
been so long I saw you walking down the street
where we met lived and left you an' me
we we're there a lot we shared
wasn't enough I was amazed when you went away
so how have you bin did you find what you were looking for
did you learn anything, you've met the world. it knows your name
but you're not happy it was all a mistake
it's different now, you're back'
cause you couldn't forget my name, when you took that last train
I know it's been a long time something migh still remain
might have survived, maybe it's worth another try
we've come a long way, we both need shelter,
we both need a place to get out of the rain
that's been pourin' now and again,
since you took that last train
you're back,
so come to my house
drink a glass of wine over lost times
and I'll pour an' pour some more wine
'cause I have a feeling, you've come back
to stay a bit longer
(c) JR.
song unigue
I write many songs, I'd like to lay them at your feet
they're the ones that make you smile and all I'm doin'
giving them away to you
and all you do is smile smile 'cause you know
who's giving giving them away it shows in your eyes
looks like a spell is broken we're free to go, maybe home
where I'll sing my songs and you'll be pleased
'cause we're something unige
we make the songs unigue they bring out a smile
sung in a style never heard before where ears were closed doors
now not anymore they heard the song unigue
brings out the best in you and me
the best before and after you've heard it sing
it is like a sting bolting right in to the air
song unigue is there, hear it come alive
feel it crawling up your spine, stirring up your life
yes it is up there allright
(c) JR.
vrijdag 13 oktober 2017
een spin denkt
weer zo'n malloot totaal geen privacy
die paparazzi zetten iedere Bekende Nederlandse Spin maar op de kiek
verschuilen in mijn web is ook al geen optie
ik neem de poten , mijn verdwijn truc is wat je ziet
pas als je huis opnieuw vol zit met ongedierte
is het tijd dat je mij weer hangend
in een spagaat
(c) JR. photo JR. 2017
is het leven te moeilijk om eenvoudig te zijn
is de liefde te mooi om waar te zijn
weten jij en ik dat wilskracht soms de enige oplossing is
die ligt op de weg die leidt naar jouw en mijn
(c) JR. oktober 2017
donderdag 12 oktober 2017
de kers
een kers zijn plaats op de taart in neemt
zich daarna als een parel voor de zwijnen gooit
een koekje vanuit zijn eigen deeg die plaats voor zich
(c) JR. 2017
woensdag 11 oktober 2017
achter een deur ligt het verdriet bedolven
onder stapels niet aangekomen post
de buurt luistert
door een met doofheid geplaagd oor mee
is dan ook niet verbaast als die niets hoort
pas als de geraniums niet meer bloeien
gaat een deur voor de laatste keer
vrijdag 6 oktober 2017
zon schijnt tot aan zijn onderkant
het is niet alles dat goud is wat blinkt
het eind van een
(c) JR. 2017
maandag 2 oktober 2017
my heaven , lyrics
like an angel in the morning
when she looks me in the eye
folds her wings around me
with her restfull holy sigh
she shows me she's my heaven
with her garden waiting inside
I know we will taste her fruit
we reap what we sowed all through the night
she takes me to all those lovely places
where she knows she'll blow my mind
she shows me she's my heaven with her garden
wating inside
she takes me to all those lovely places
where she knows she'll blow my mind
she shows me she's my heaven with her garden
wating inside
zondag 1 oktober 2017
langzaam zakt de zon
al zijn tederheid achter de einder
ik de avond vallen omsluit de duisternis mij
zijn anonimiteit
besef ik weer wat ik mis
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