vrijdag 1 december 2017

Five Fingers

I came in to town
when the sun was down
it didn't occur to me I'd meet
somebody right here in the street

He said, 'you're wearin' your belt low'
I don't want any trouble out of you
or you'll find yourself close
to a graveyard stone

Now I didn't want to displease
any of the good people here
as I was kinda dry inside
I stopped at the local saloon

Its name had a familiar ring
I stepped in with a swing
'Five Fingers' was there
ready to beat me to the draw

as I turned out he did but he missed
shot a hole in my left hand the hand
I could spend

for the right it was that killed him
actually not a shadow it was Ishot
I moved on as fast as I could

put distance between me and a lot o' hate
'cause 'Five Fingers' wasn't a game you

he was out on the hunt in his very own way
would he catch up he'd make me pay
I didn't want that, so I ran from the 'Hell Cat'

I hid in the tiniest hole, even 'Five Fingers'
couldn't find it on his own

(c) JR.

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  Well, na diepe intelligente conversaties omlijst met sfeervolle muziek besloot ik na diep overdenken   vannacht alsnog om 24.00...