zaterdag 28 oktober 2017

science fiction a short story : A little boy !!

The little boy stood in line, waiting patiently, untill it was his turn. ' well, what will it be boy'
the shopassistant said, a tea bag sir, please. just a tea bag, they come in cartons now. one will do sir, I'll ask if that's possible. Mr. B. ! the assistant returned with the bag. because it's just one, this time free of charge.

Thank you sir, what's that you're doing, as you see, whirling it above my head sir, he threw it in a corner of the shop, a deafening explosion followed. Ev'rybody in the store was flung to the floor by the pressure. Windows broke, flames erupted, smoke curled upwards from the smashed windows. all the shopowner could tell afterwards, 'it was just a litle boy throwing a tea bag.

Not much later reports came in from all over the district about shops, later buildings being demolished by fire. Always there was a mention of a little boy at the scene, throwing a tea bag !, by the time blocks of flats were coming down, there was a man hunt out for a little boy.

Army and police were after him, for no longer buildings were in demand, militairy targets were on his list by now. Ammunition depots, navy vessels they were all game, Always the boy was seen, but lost out of sight, eventually they caught up with him outsidea theatre, Albert Hall, it was people he now was after, a mass of them.

in came the Special forces, they surrounded him, the boy spotted that, came out of his hiding place whirling his little tea bag, no emotion on his face, rifles cracked all bulls eye , but it didn't seem to harm him. He stopped whirling, instead he swallowed the bag the corners of his mouth twitched looked almost if he smiled.

A massive explosion ruptured the street in two a smoke column rose upwards to the sky, it went on and on going higher and higher reaching outer space,  it. seemed to go to another Milky Way still smoking.

now flames were pouring from the smoke, making it very much like a comet, pictures sent down by the satelites showed the head of the smoke column was very much like the little boy's features, does make you wonder don't it !!

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  Well, na diepe intelligente conversaties omlijst met sfeervolle muziek besloot ik na diep overdenken   vannacht alsnog om 24.00...